You brush your teeth constantly, you never chew gum and you drink diet soda instead of regular. You may think all those things are protecting your teeth. But you’re wrong. As it turns out, many things that people consider healthy behavior are anything but healthy when it comes to their teeth.
You’ve probably read to your kids myths about Hercules and Zeus. Those take place thousands of years ago — so would it surprise you to know there are still myths circulating in our modern world, and that some of them have to do with teeth? In fact, some things we take as common knowledge abo
Few things are as stressful as helping your child when they are in pain. That’s why having an action plan can make a world of difference. Toothaches are serious business. When a tooth hurts, it can consume your child’s ability to focus and potentially worsen if left unchecked. If your child co
Childhood is a critical time for establishing orthodontic health. This is the easiest time to make adjustments to the location and alignment of teeth, and early corrections can make a lifetime of difference. Making orthodontic exams a part of your child’s annual check-up schedule is common sense
Fluoride is a substance that has unique health benefits in low doses but unfortunate side effects in high amounts, making its use both common and controversial. In dentistry, it has been shown that low amounts of fluoride to strengthen forming teeth and help prevent tooth decay. However, fluoride
Here at Fox Kids Dentistry & Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on bringing you the best pediatric dental care and orthodontic experience, all under one roof! We also know that offering kids combined care for their teeth is not just special – it’s smart. How Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic
Orthodontic work has two stages: First, teeth are gradually guided into their correct position with braces or Invisalign. Once the teeth are straight, they then have to be held in their new places while the gums and bone adapt around the new positions. Maintaining the location of the teeth is usuall
Correcting misaligned teeth is a great choice – it creates a healthier mouth and a beautiful smile. Crooked or crowded teeth trap food and bacteria easily and are harder to clean, while properly aligned teeth make all aspects of oral hygiene easier. Orthodontic correction helps teeth look their be
A child’s first set of teeth is called their “baby teeth” – 20 primary teeth that will gradually be replaced by a full set of 32 adult teeth. Baby teeth hold the places in the mouth for adult teeth to come in. Although we lose this first set of teeth, it’s important to take care […]
Most kids love a sweet treat, but you may be concerned that these foods can negatively affect your child’s dental health. After all, sugary sweets contribute to tooth decay and cavities. Fortunately, there are plenty of kid-friendly and healthy sweet treats available. Here is a list of easy-to-mak